As the name implies, this is a wager that is completely on the house. There’s one exception to that rule, however: the completely free sports bet no deposit. After all, things that sound too good to be true typically are.
So what does it all mean? We keep putting quotation marks around “free money” because it’s not completely free - you’ve probably lived long enough to know very few things in life truly are free. The advertising isn’t subtle, either, they’re shoving it down your throat with terms like “match bonus” and “up to (insert dollar figure here) in free play.” Head to any website and seeing “free money” advertised is all but guaranteed. Online betting sites and sportsbooks know the allure of those two words all too well. The two most powerful words in the English dictionary might be “ free” and “money.” No matter what income bracket you reside in, those two words repeated back-to-back are sure to grab your attention almost immediately.